Clients work with us for different reasons. Some choose us for our investment knowledge that comes from years of experience and extensive education. Others appreciate our attentiveness to their needs whenever they arise. Here are a few examples of why clients trust us as their wealth management partner, and of the solutions we have developed for them.


 For me, I look for three things in a financial advisor: trustworthiness, competency, and does he/she have my back. Nathan checks all of those boxes and more. 

Ron Hovinga


 Randy and I have been impressed from day 1 of meeting Nathan and Jeff, as evidenced by us now having moved pretty much our entire available portfolio over to IG. All of it done so smoothly, too. They've earned not just our portfolio, but our respect and admiration. I am SO happy to have them on our team. 

Kathy Gogos & Randy Fahr


 Jeff has served our family for over two decades now. This includes one of our parents, our children, and our grandchildren. He helped us through our pre-retirement years, preparing us for retirement, and now into retirement. Jeff reviews our tax returns for the previous year to ensure we are proactive in withdrawing optimal amounts from our investments for the upcoming year. He aims to reduce our 'tax in retirement' without sacrificing our standard of living. He guides us with our estate plan to ensure our hard earned money is passed on to our heirs efficiently, while reducing income tax to our estate as much as possible. We are so pleased we have recommended Jeff to many of our friends and family members, and we’re confident he is helping them out through all stages of their lives! Jeff has given us peace of mind. 

Bob and Barb Churchward


 Jeff and Nathan are very knowledgeable and have given me great advice throughout my journey of investing over the last 25+ years. During our meetings, we discuss adjusting my investment plan, depending on my current and future plans. We also ensure that I optimize tax savings. They have identified a variety of products that have been beneficial in my portfolio. I have also used their services for my mortgage and line of credit, as well as for insurance. Most of our communications are initiated by Jeff or Nathan; however, when I do have inquiries they respond promptly. 

Michelle D'Souza